Flex AutoComplete: Almost there… (or so I thought)

If you’ve come straight to this post I’d recommend checking out the first and second posts for this component for more info on using it.

Latest version

Here’s what’s new:

  • Created new demos: I’ve added two more demos which demonstrate some common ways to use the component. The source for the demos is included in the zip.
  • Added support for a horizontal multiselect: The previous version of the component had a multiSelect mode but it took up a fair amount of screen real estate. I’ve added a multiSelectLayout property which can be set to either “vertical” or “horizontal”. Vertical makes it behave the same as it used to, while horizontal enables you to select multiple items within the TextInput component. I’ve added this option to the demo. I’m still working on this feature, in the next version I’d like to change the style to make it look like the multiselect in Facebook and Mac Mail
  • Improved support for selecting items not in the dataprovider: The best practice to accomplish this is to add a keyDown listener to the component. If the user clicked enter then check if the text property is set and the selectedItem property is null
  • Fixed minor bugs: I’ve gone through all the comments on the blog and tried to address any open issues. I’m sure I’ve missed some things, if you’ve made a suggestion in the past which didn’t make it in to this release please re-suggest it and I’ll try to get it into the next version

One last thing, I’ve added the component to the Adobe Flex Exchange. It’s a relativley new component so it doesn’t have any rating or reviews. If you’re using this component and find it useful it’d be very much appreciated if you could rate it on the site (or even better… write a review).

Thanks very much,